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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 08/25/08
August 26th, 2008

Selectmen Meeting Minutes of August 25th, 2008
Present: M. Genest, S. Schacht, G. Webber, W. Prokop, M. Henry, M. Healy, S. Lester, M. Pon, J. Bond

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of August 11th.

2. M. Henry was introduced to the selectmen. Matt is an intern from the UNH Masters program who will be doing his intern work for the semester at Antrim.

3. The selectmen were advised of the following:

a. Meeting with Bennington re: Bridge repairs to be done on Wednesday night, August 27th, at 6:00 P.M.

        b. Letter from Gregg Lake Assn. suggesting charging for parking at beach. A
        letter will be sent advising them to contact Park and Recreation Commission to
        discuss their concerns further.

c. Girl Scouts have not replied to our request for use of land on Brimstone Corner Road for boat launch parking. The selectmen asked the Town Administrator to follow up.

d. Advertising for the Town Administrator position has been placed and closing date is Friday, August, 28th. To date eight resumes have been received.

        e. Town has received notification that the State Advisory Committee for the Safe
        Routes to School Grant has recommended that Antrim's application be fully
funded. If this is approved, it will be awarded on September 8th and the grant will have a value of approximately $77,000.00.

f. A meeting with the Water & Sewer Commissioners has been scheduled for Monday, September 15th during the next scheduled selectmen's meeting.

        g. The selectmen voted to have the Building Inspector advise Kateco Developing,         
LLC that the foundation that they put in on Green Ridge Road was put in without a permit. It has to be removed, or have an engineer certify that a repair
can be accomplished, that will meet building specifications. This will then be reviewed by the Town Engineering firm and the cost of the review will be charged and paid by Kateco, before a Building Permit will be issued.

        h. The "911 Plan" was reviewed by the selectmen. They will have a meeting with
the Fire Chief, and Police Chief to review the suggested changes and to determine what address changes really need to be made. Once this is done, the residents that will be affected will be advised and a Public Hearing will be held to explain what is going to take place and why.

        i. Heating Oil pricing -the selectmen voted to join with the Conval School
        system co-operative pricing plan that will lock in the rate of $3.896/gallon for the
        upcoming heating season.

        j. The selectmen were advised that Southwest Region Planning Commission will
        be meeting on Wednesday, August 27th, to vote to approve Antrim's application
to have a Phase I and Phase II site assessment performed at 72-74 Main Street per the requirements of the Brownfields Program.

k. The selectmen were advised that the CVTC, the area transportation network, would like to discuss better utilization of the Antrim bus in 2009. They would like
to explore ways they could handle all non-recreation department scheduling of trips, organizing drivers, and the reimbursement of cost for the operation of the bus to the Town of Antrim. They would like to have a meeting to explore this possibility further and they would approach the other towns for assistance in the funding of the program. The selectmen would like to meet with them in September to discuss this further.

l. The selectmen had a brief discussion regarding "Youth Diversion" programs and the article that was in the local newspaper last week. They were very surprised by the tone of the article and have plans to discuss the best ways to handle "Youth Diversion" in Antrim with the new Chief of Police, the Regional Prosecutor, and Peter Brigham of the Hillsboro Youth Services Office.

m. The selectmen were updated by Selectman Webber on the discussions that took place between the Parks and Recreation Commission and the Maharishi School regarding some type of cooperative program for recreational activities. The selectmen feel that they need an update from the Recreation Commission as to what directions they are planning on regarding the current recreational field needs and have asked the Town Administrator to advise the Recreation Commission of their request. In the meantime, the selectmen will be meeting with the Maharishi School and the Rec Commission to discuss possible cooperative programs.
4. The selectmen voted to go into non-public session at 5:50 P.M. per RSA 91.4:a to discuss legal and personnel issues.

5. The selectmen voted to go back to public session at 7:15 P.M. they voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

6. The selectmen thanked M. Healy of MRI for the excellent job that he did as our Police Administrator and wished him well on his next assignment. Scott Lester was then appointed Police Administrator until his appointment as Chief of Police is finalized in October.

7. The selectmen approved the A/P and payroll for the week and reviewed miscellaneous correspondence.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. The next meeting will be a work session with Bennington at the Bennington Town Office to discuss the Antrim/Bennington Bridge repair plans. The meeting will be Wednesday, August 27th, at 6:00 P.M. The next regular selectmen's meeting will be September 15th at 5:00 P.M. at Town Hall.